Firefly Hill Press is thrilled to announce that it has signed its fourth author, Genevieve Iseult Eldredge (GIE), to continue her Young Adult LGBTQ series, THE CIRCUIT FAE, which tells the story of two Fae princesses from warring Courts who fall in love and revolutionize their world. There are currently four books in THE CIRCUIT FAE series. The next book in the series, INIMICAL, releases on September 18, with the REKINDLED novella to follow on March 26, 2019. There are a total of five full-length books and four novellas planned in the series, which will be distributed by INscribe Digital. “In Circuit Fae, the focus is on teen girls finding their inner power, falling in love, and making the world sit up and take notice,” says GIE. “The series has gotten a great response among the 13-18 demographic, and many older readers have said this was the book they needed to read as a teen growing up gay. That means a lot to me. I’m privileged to be able to write this series, and I’m thrilled to be working with Firefly Hill Press." For more information about GIE and Firefly Hill Press—or to request review copies of CIRCUIT FAE titles—email: info@fireflyhillpress.com and be sure to subscribe to their news letter here.